Confidently launch APPs like the wizkids that you are

Get there faster with WizKid
WizKid provides software services and components to help small businesses get their APP ideas to market.
Sometimes all that is required is a simple introduction, or a purchase suggestion. Maybe it requires research. Maybe we offload a key role or task that is distracting you from your highest value activity. Or maybe it's contributing just the right element to move your program forward.
We start by carefully listening to your unique goals and understanding your limits before making appropriate recommendations that might help the team achieve objectives more quickly. That's it.
In any case it starts with learning about you. Only then can we know whether there's anything we can propose to help you get to market faster, better, or cheaper.

What are your goals, your dreams, your plans, your assets.

Let's prioritize the risks and gaps worth eliminating now and agree on how to do that.

How prepared are you for success and what gaps and risks can we define.

Then we source it or solve it so you can focus on adding value for your target audience more effectively and with less risk and distractions.

We know, it seemed simple at the onset, but then it got complicated
Believe us, a very complex program can emerge from a simple business concept. Keeping focused and minmizing the juggling of resources among conflicting requirements can be a drag on your energy. Let's see if we can find cost effective ways to get some of those required elements off your plate. Maybe many of the things you think you need to do, you don't need to do.

Always be SMART
Products and markets are always races. You need to be SMART about where you spend your limited resources.

"In my first business the responsibility and pressure to produce caused me to forget why I wanted to be in business."
"Becoming my own boss meant doing all the back-office things I couldn't outsource, and hiring people to do the very things I had envisioned for myself before venturing out on my own."
Don't let the distractions become the business and take the fun, passion and drive out of living your 'dream.'
"Are we working on only the most important things to further our mission, or everything that we think 'needs' to be done?"
Stephen Arnett, previous wizkid
What are some things we might do together?
What can we actually do to help you get products into the hands of buyers sooner?

We don't actually recommend standing on the tip of an arrow in high-heels. But if you can, wow.
How we spend 339% of our time
What percentage of our projects have these elements present.

We try to simpify otherwise complex product delivery processes
Getting the most out of your hard work is, uh, hard. We help you organize and do the 'other' stuff required to get your product out and promoted to the world. We build the processes around you to get you back to making something people want.